
User Manual & Software Documents

User Manual

The user manual is included with the installation package for CD++. If you are interested in the user manual, it can be found here.

A short manual of CD++Builder can be found here.

Installation Builder

This document will provide instructions on how to create an installer wizard program that will install CD++. Use this when a new release version is done and needs to have an installer built for it.

DCD Installation and Test procedures

Abstract: This paper presents all the steps needed for installing Simulation Service web Service to run distributed simulation for DEVS. It also includes a step-by-step procedure for doing tests.

CD++Builder Plugin

For the CD++Builder 2.0 (Beta) version, you can check:

  • This paper shows the main features and implementation of CD++Builder 2.0 (Beta).
  • This thesis shows Complete details (in Spanish).
  • Developer Guide with instruction on how to setup the development eclipse environment, project details, etc.
  • A local copy of the source code can be found here.